Still writing. Still getting married.
I feel somewhat guilty for abandoning my post lately. I mean, isn’t my civic duty as a writer to write – and write on a consistent basis?
I’ve been attempting to write several articles and essays at one time, and I’m having trouble following through with my ideas. I simply have too many!
I tried to get write an article on internships and an essay on memory while at a Panera Bread in the Cranberry area this Sunday. (I was super fancy too since I had a laptop!)
I got a good bit of writing accomplished that afternoon – my work was actually taking form. However, a group of giggling tweenage girls occupied a table behind me while I was “on a roll.” The girls kept coercing each other to somehow get my attention and talk to me. They thought I was cute.
“Her name is Ashley,” one of them said behind me. “Her number is 555-6969!”
Then they started talking about how one of the girls was “STD free,” which got me wondering, “Only one girl?” Yes, they were sexually perverted, but you can’t really blame them. They’re just a product of their environment.
I continued writing as best I could although I could feel around six pairs of eyes on my ass.