People are too greedy. They want stuff. They love stuff. They can’t get enough electronics and smart phones with unlimited internet access that cost so much to maintain. However, the cost wouldn’t be a problem if people had the money to pay for the service.
And why don’t they have any money? Because hardly anyone has a job (or career for that matter). And this has to do with the lack of ambition. Hardly anyone is concerned about bettering themselves. This lack of ambition yields lack of motivation, purpose and, most importantly, passion. I mean, what are YOU passionate about? Are you passionate about buying electronics?
I’ve got to hand it to all the marketing departments out there. So many people choose toys over food!
So if people lack passion, motivation, etc, they get stuck with a job they don’t like. They dread going to work every day, and this obviously makes life miserable. And the only way happiness is achieved (or so they think) is to buy more stuff! Isn’t this death cycle obvious?!
And when they’re stuck in a job they hate, they’re usually not very good at it (or at least don’t put their “all” into it) and so they don’t earn as much as they could if they did something they enjoy. And, of course, no money gets you no house.
What it comes down to is priorities. Many of us have the wrong priorities and often go broke trying to live a life we can’t afford. We need more people earning their lifestyle. Many Americans need to set out to do something worthwhile, something they feel is important and let money take the backseat for a while. Because if you’re good at what you do and you’re truly passionate, money will come to you. I honestly believe this.
The secrets:
- Do what you love.
- Spend wisely.
- Save.
- Enjoy life (not stuff).
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