The last few nights and days have run together. My wife and I sleep in four hour intervals and wake up to feed our daughter and change her diaper. It feels as if all we ever do is feed, change and console her.
Last night was no exception. Although we were able to sleep uninterrupted from 9:30 PM until 2:00 AM, we woke to the sound of our crying newborn. After changing and feeding her, she was still quite fussy and so we decided to take a short car ride to Rite Aid to get some gas drops at 4:00 AM.
After fighting with a grasshopper that somehow snuck behind Chloe’s butt in her car seat, we were off. It was a quick ride (since there was no one on the road) and so Laura stayed in the car with Chloe as I stumbled into Rite Aid.
The cashier, Elizabeth, asked me if I needed help, and I mumbled something about the gas drops. She took me to the diarrhea and gas aisle and showed me some product while describing all of its ingredients. “Yeah, that’s fine,” I said, but she insisted that we take a look at the children’s section. There, we found products that were “organic” or containing “gerelsdhl” or whatever she said.
“You know what gerelsdhl is, don’t you?” she asked.
“Yeah,” I said.
“Your grandma probably used that. But I’m not a doctor. You may want to call the hospital she was born in. They always have a pediatrician on call. On second thought, this also has ginger in it. Let’s go ask Tara what she thinks.”
I followed Elizabeth to the back where Tara was either unpacking boxes, doing yoga, or trying on outfits (vision was quite fuzzy) and she said something I don’t remember at all.
So I followed Elizabeth back to the front of the store and purchased the gas drops. She told me to let her know how things go.
This post isn’t a knock at Rite Aid. In fact, I thought the service was awesome. But when it’s four in the morning and I look like crap, just give me what I need and let me go.
Laura and I are changing our routine today. Rather than waking Chloe up every three hours to eat, we’re letting her sleep until she’s ready. And she’ll let us know when she’s ready. We’ve already had a few hours to ourselves and were able to do a few things we need to around the house (including writing this post).
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