Monday, February 15, 2010

It Hits The Fan

If you’re from the Pittsburgh area (and regularly listen to FM radio), you know that 93.7 FM (also known as B-94) has disappeared once again. In its place is a station called “The Fan,” which consists entirely of talk radio, which actually isn’t a big deal to me. I like talk. I like sharing ideas. But in this case, it’s not just any talk radio. “The Fan” is SPORTS talk radio.

If you know me, then you know my opinion on organized sports. (I have guys come up to me and just start talking sports while I have no idea what they’re talking about.) But how much sports can one talk about? Someone told me that the DJs talked about the recent Pitt basketball game for an hour! And when the DJs ran out of sports to talk about, they took calls from people actually listening to the banter to get their opinions!

Today was only the first day “The Fan” hit the airwaves. I wonder what others are saying…

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