Monday, February 4, 2008

Wise Guys

I have a couple of wise guys in my mouth. They’re my wisdom teeth, silly!

That’s right. I have two wisdom teeth coming in from the top and they’re scheduled for extraction this Friday, and I’m nearly having a panic attack over the whole ordeal. I’ve already had two nightmares about it.

Since the initial consultation with the oral surgeon, I’ve been in a downward spiral of doubt and fear – especially after I found out that I would be lightly sedated via an IV. Now, the lightly sedated part was my idea, but I was hoping for nitrous oxide or “goofy gas” to do the trick. I’ve never had an IV before and the idea freaks me out. The surgeon tried to set my mind at ease.

“Have you ever had an IV before?”
“Have you given blood before?”

He was unable to explain the IV experience, but apparently it’s like giving blood (something else I can’t bring myself to do).

Every other minute, I whine to Laura about my “struggle” and she does her best to set my mind at ease. She puts the whole thing into perspective by reminding me that I have to get them out of my head to avoid any potential infections or crooked teeth. It’s true – I don’t want to look like a horse in our wedding photos.

I have no idea as to why I’m such a sissy. I was so much braver at 17 when I had my bottom wisdom teeth removed.

I’m such a tooth fairy.

1 comment:

kristin said...

i remember you brought your wise guys to see us after your extraction visit! :)