Monday, April 11, 2011

Sing Talk: An Afternoon With Ke$ha

So far, the worst part about this pregnancy (for me) is the regular cleaning of the box containing our cat turds and piss clumps. I often scoop the soiled sand rather hastily, kicking up particles into my mouth, my hair and, of course, onto my clothes. (Perhaps I should see this as practice for the human waste coming soon.)

And even though baby has yet to arrive, it’s rare that I get a chance to enjoy myself. On Saturday night, I got the call that would change everything. My friend Pete invited me to see Kesha (or Ke$ha if you want to be technical about it) on Sunday afternoon in Oakland, next to the Cathedral of Learning. Watching her perform dirty songs in skanky outfits would be the perfect after-Church activity.

The concert was outdoors, and we couldn’t have asked for a better day. It was just the right amount of warm and cool; perfect cola-sippin’ weather.

The die-hard Kesha fans took the fist dozen or so rows, tossing everything from clothes to crutches (I have the pictures to prove this). During the 45 minute free show, she talked dirty, welcomed Santa Claus to the stage and had some guy dressed as a human wang hop around the stage. It was the ideal freak show, but I felt sorry for Pete who, at one point, just stood there, staring at the sidewalk with his arms crossed. I told him to at least pretend he was excited before someone took a video and posted it on You Tube with the title “Unenthusiastic Ke$ha Fan.”

I have to admit that it seemed out of place to have an artist like Kesha in the middle of Pittsburgh’s academic capital. But on the other hand, it also made the most sense (i.e. drunken student bodies).

It was fun but in the back of my mind I knew piss clumps awaited me at home. And you can imagine the size of these clumps when the urine comes from a +30 pound cat. That’s right. Thirty pounds.

1 comment:

liz said...

LMAO! I loved this one! Hilarious! And me and josh know all too well about those clumps..hahaha..I guess 4 cats equal one large 30lb cat, but we have 3 big litter boxes for them to so maybe you have it worse..hahaha